
SeeSullivan is a one-man design studio based in California. Founded by Nate Beale, a classically trained graphic designer, photo editor, carpenter, and sometimes roadie, the studio is named after his beloved dog, Sully.

Since 2004, Nate has collaborated on projects ranging from letterpress invitations to in-house marketing pieces and high-end coffee table books. For the past 13 years the focus has been on sports, having designed and produced over 100 titles for various MLB, NFL, NHL, NBA, WNBA, MLS, and NCAA teams.

Along with a strong background in design, Nate’s production knowledge is extensive and something he takes pride in; designing a beautiful piece is only part of the equation. Knowing how a piece is produced from start to finish, while collaborating with both client and vendor are just as crucial to the process.

When they’re not home in Golden Hill, Nate and Sully can be found traveling the roads across America visiting family and friends in their rig, Gypsy Rose.